Places to visit in ShriKeshtra
23 April, 2016
1. Sangam
Sangam is a meeting point of Bheema and Amaraja rivers. Sangam is like Prayaga. The importance of Sangam was explained by Shreeguru and it can be seen in Shreegurucharitra. Whoever takes a bath in Sangam, he will free from his sins and his wishes will be fulfilled. Bath in Sangam in Kartheeka maasa, Maagha maasa, Makara sankranthi, poornima and Amaavashya days.
2. Audumbar Tree on Sangam
The Audumbar tree is situated at the place nearer to Sangam. After having bath in Sangam a mug/pot/bottle of Sangam water has to be taken and it should be poured at the root of famous Audumbar tree. Do the pradakshina with a minimum of 11/21/108 rounds to the tree by chanting Datta nama ‘DIGAMBARA DIGAMBARA SHREE PAADA VALLABHA DIGAMBARA”. So many devotees are continuously doing Shreegurucharitra payara in the presence of the tree. One who perform Gurucharitra parayan with sapthaha deeksha at the premises of this audumbar tree, he will definitely have the darshan of Lord Dattatreya in any form and their desires will be fulfilled. It is really true and even for today also.
3. Sangameshwar Mandir Sangam
After worshipping Audumbar at Sangam, worship Sangameshwara in the Sangameshwaralaya temple with devotion. This Shivalinga is like Mallikarjuna of Srisailam. Bow to Nandi and Chandi and have 3 rounds like round from Nandi to Chandi and Chandi to Nandi back and have darshan of Lord Shankara.
4. Kalleshwar Temple
Kalleshwaralaya is nearer to Manmatha teertha i.e., one of the Ashta teerthas and is nearly 1 km from Swamy mutt. Auto conveyance is there for Kalleshwar temple. The importance of Kalleshwar temple was also explained in Shree Gurucharitra.
Kalleshwara is like Gokarna Mahabaleshwara. By performing Abhisheka in the month of Kartheeka, Maagha and Sravana to Kalleshwara, one’s wishes will be fulfilled. The assurance was given by Shreeguru.
5. Dattatrya Math i.e. Main Temple in Deval Ghangapur
The Main Temple in Ganagapur where Shri Guru Narasimha Saraswati used to stay about 550 years ago is known as Nirguna Math. Shri Guru Narasimha Saraswati was a Paramahamsa Sannyasi of the Dashanami Order established by Shri Adi Shankara Bhagwatpada. As the Saraswati Order of Dasanami Sampradaya belongs to the Sringeri Sharada Peetha, Shri Narasimha Saraswati too belongs to the Sringeri Sampradaya. This is clearly mentioned in the Guru Parampara mentioned in Shri Guru Charitra. Today’s Temple is but literally a Matha of a Sanyasi. This Nirguna Math is adorned with the Nirguna Padukas of Sri Narasimha Saraswati who kept them there while his Avatar Samapti.There is a Holy Tree of Ashwattha in the Temple (Nirguna Math). Shri Kshetra Ganagapur is a Holy Place of Lord Dattatreya and the place is very important “Darshaneeya kshetra”.
The Importance of Ganagapur Kshetra was explained by Shree Guru himself and it can be seen in “Shree Guru Charitra”. There is an Assurance from Shreeguru that he would forever abide at Ganagapur and go round the village for ‘Biksha’ at 12:00 noon is literally true even today. Offering “Madhukari” to the people at Ganagapur and taking Biksha from at least 5 houses is having very importance at this Holy Place. Even today also, the process is continuing and the devotees are having faith that Lord Dattatreya is taking Biksha everyday at Kshetra Ganagapur. Shri Guru Narasimha Saraswati Swamy confirmed the same and it can be seen in Gurucharitra Adhyay (chapter) 21-22.
6. Eight teerth
On the day of Deepavali, Shri Guru said to the disciple, ‘We shall have bath at Trishali (3 Holy places i. e. Prayag, Kashi and Gaya ) with family and children.
The disciple said, ‘For such a long journey, we require some time for preparations’. Shri Guru says ‘These holy places are near about. So there is no need for special preparation.’
Shri Guru then takes everyone to Sangam and asks them to take bath in;
1.Shatakula Teerth
2.Nrusimha Teerth
3.Bhagirathi Teerth
4.Papavinashini Teerth
5.Koti Teerth
6.Rudrapada Teerth
7.Chakra Teerth
8.Manmatha Teerth